Kimberly N. Watson


Reflowable & Fixed Layout ePubs:

My role involves the transformation of Lifeway's publishing content into various eBook formats, including mobi files with text magnification capability. This process necessitates the creation and implementation of templates, scripting, and automation in accordance with production schedules and deadlines.

I also oversee the application of markup coding languages to content production files, employing a combination of scripting and manual coding techniques to ensure compliance with rigorous quality and coding language standards. This encompasses proficiency in HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, AppleScript, JavaScript, OSA, GREP, and other automation tools, especially on more intricate projects.

Lifeway Kids App & Lifeway VBS App:

For five years, I handle the deployment and ongoing maintenance of Lifeway Kids and Lifeway VBS Apps on both the App Store Connect and Google Play Console platforms. Within the Lifeway Kids App, users can access a range of applications, including The Gospel Project Family App, Bible Studies for Life, Bible Studies for Kids, Levels of Biblical Learning, Explore the Bible (Kids), and the Big Picture Question and Answer apps. Additionally, the VBS 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 apps have been consolidated into the Lifeway VBS (Vacation Bible Study) app for convenient access.

React Native App:

As needed, I update to current standards and create React Native apps.

This is an engaging website designed to showcase group fitness classes. Visitors have the opportunity to explore instructor profiles, access class details, and review certifications.